Consulting Services
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed scelerisque dolor eget convallis vehicula. Aenean id condimentum dui, et congue metus. Nunc in facilisis lectus, cursus faucibus lacus. Donec mollis ex sed augue vestibulum, sed suscipit nisl tincidunt. Nunc commodo commodo metus, et vulputate lectus tempor in. Mauris vitae cursus diam, scelerisque dictum neque. Ut vestibulum tortor ex, at hendrerit arcu tincidunt vel. Quisque malesuada condimentum metus, ut hendrerit magna rhoncus ac. Cras tempus tellus ac commodo scelerisque.
Sed nunc risus, fringilla eu orci non, convallis pretium massa. Curabitur ut ultrices dolor. Curabitur condimentum, dolor blandit molestie tincidunt, diam quam dictum nulla, a condimentum magna arcu id lorem. Integer ut libero nec est convallis laoreet quis ac lacus. Proin quis libero tincidunt, mattis libero non, convallis nibh. Integer eget purus id felis tincidunt eleifend. Nam non sapien enim. Etiam vel tempor elit.
Vivamus quam nunc, interdum at vestibulum id, congue varius lorem. Mauris sed enim congue, accumsan arcu ultrices, luctus odio. Curabitur aliquet tincidunt magna. Maecenas eu tortor et purus pellentesque euismod. Morbi sollicitudin elit nibh, venenatis lacinia mi gravida sit amet. Nam sed egestas magna. Vestibulum vel ultricies lectus. Curabitur sit amet euismod nibh.
Key Benefits
- Subscribers today have little patience. They expect new services to work right the first time. TEOCO ensures 5G and other new network designs can be seamlessly integrated into your existing technologies.
- TEOCO experts can help you work through all the business and technical decisions required for success when considering the introduction of a new technology such as 5G.
- TEOCO’s independence from all network equipment providers ensures our service efforts are not conflicted by the desire for equipment sales.
- Leveraging our broad planning, optimization and configuration tools portfolio to deliver services provides capabilities unmatched by consultants alone.
- Our global, multi-vendor experience ensures we are able to share best practices from market leaders, while our offshore capabilities provide cost-efficient and timely deliveries.
- With a local presence through 26 offices in 15 countries in all regions of the world, and a customer base that includes over 300 operators, TEOCO has the scale, expertise and local staff to support you.
At TEOCO, we offer planning and evolution services in three primary categories:
What is your 5G business case? Have you decided on your business model, timing, industry verticals, or ROI on options? What technology makes sense? What spectrum should be re-purposed? TEOCO’s experts can help you work through all these options, and more.
You need to keep pace with the latest technology releases to maintain competitiveness and meet customer demand. Adding a new technology, (such as LTE, VoLTE, IoT or 5G) to an existing network brings significant technical and resource challenges. Taking a services approach to deploying new technologies ensures access to global best practices and prevents your existing team from being stretched too thin.
Mobile networks are going through a consolidation phase, with many operators merging or signing network sharing agreements to gain much needed financial and performance benefits. Both scenarios require consolidating two networks into one. TEOCO’s expertise ensures your consolidation runs smoothly.
Analysys Mason
Planning and Evolution
What Our
Clients Say
Our customers trust in our ability to analyse information, unveil profitable knowledge, and offer products that power smarter operations. At TEOCO, we are client-driven and committed to ensuring substantial return on investment for every project. We truly believe that your success is ours, and we constantly innovate to make sure that you stay at the forefront of industry trends.
How can we help?
For over 25 years, TEOCO has helped network operators run state-of-the-art networks and profitable businesses. Learn how we can help you in the areas critical to the success of modern CSPs.